Hey girl! Let’s talk about teething really quick 😩🥴 CZN started pre-teething during month 3 and oh my goodness. I wanted to cry for her. She was so uncomfortable, stuffing everything in her mouth and wanting to comfort nurse 24/7. This started on Mother’s Day, the day I was hoping to get a break from my daily Mommy duties but nope. She needed me and there was no other way I would’ve wanted to spend my day. I did lots of skin to skin and googling remedies.
After doing some research, I learned about the Raw Baltic Amber. I was confused because I wasn’t sure if she was supposed to chew on it or what lol but nope, they just literally wear it. Here’s the tea on Baltic amber.
Baltic amber is made from fossilized tree resin. Amber contains succinic acid, which is released when the amber is warmed. Proponents of the amber teething necklaces say that when the necklaces are worn, the body heat warms the amber, releasing the succinic acid, which then gets absorbed into the skin. It’s said that succinic acid is a natural analgesic, or pain reliever, and can also help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Sounds like some BS or nah? LOL! I was skeptical AND I was desperate. Turns out, I read ALL positive reviews, and honey they told no lies!! Here’s the Baltic Amber set I ordered from Amazon and from the DAY I put this on CZN, her symptoms went away. NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL!
She started wearing the necklace but I didn’t like how I had to take it off for naps as a safety precaution so I switched to the anklet. I thought she would bother it but it doesn’t interest her at all lol. The only time I take it off is for baths but other than that, she wears it all day long. The teething stopped around 4-5 months so I took the anklet off and stored it but 6 months rolled around and she was teething again with symptoms. I went straight to the closet for her anklet and BOOM 💥 NO SYMPTOMS!!
All Imma say is, buy this before you need it!
Here are more things you can try for your teething baby (which CZN loves):
My advice is to get these items BEFORE you need them!
You got this, Mama (and Mama to be!)
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