Home Remedies & Cold Medicine For Babies

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I think it’s one of the worst feelings to watch your child not feel well. Often times as parents we even ask God to remove their symptoms and pain and allow us to bear them (at least I’ve prayed that prayer before).


As the year winds down, we’re unfortunately in the season of germs, colds, flu, RSV, and COVID is still hanging out. With that being said, don’t feel guilty about keeping the baby inside, offering hand sanitizer first to those who ask to hold the baby, and avoiding larger family gatherings.


CZN recently had a cold and one thing I will always try once is a home remedy lol. I tried this and I kid you not, she was about 85% better the next morning! She was sleeping so good that I went in twice to check on her lol. Here’s the home remedy I tried:


Onions! I cut a small piece of white onion and cut it into smaller sizes to fit into her sock. I put two pieces of onions in each of her socks and then I cut a few strips and placed them in a bowl above her crib. Next to the onions, I had her Frida humidifier going with Frida vapor drops. I used the Frida vapor rub (from the Frida Breathe Easy Kit) on her chest, back, neck, and nose! I also rubbed the vapor rub on my finer then her nose and on my breast as she nursed. She slept SO good that night! No coughing, no sneezing, and she wasn’t tossing and turning like the night before. Give the onions a try and feel free to research why onions work well/promote better sleep!


I heard potatoes work too and I tried it but she tossed and turned with the potatoes and didn’t sleep well 🙁 back to the onions I went! Her first cold lasted two weeks, this one was about 4-5 days.


For congestion:

Hot showers. I let the shower run for a few minutes and closed the door. After you’ve created your mini sauna for baby, you both can head in there to nurse, read, or simply talk/walk around. I steam the bathroom before her baths too and you could also go old skool and blow into baby’s mouth to make the mucus come out :). Gentle back rubs and back pats will help break the mucus up too.


Frida Breathe Easy Kit worked great for us as well. Try the Frida Snot Sucker and/or the Electric NoseFrida. I kind of feel like the snot sucker works better but see what works better for you. Be careful not to use this more 3 times on baby during the day as their tiny nostrils can become swollen. As far as saline drops, I use Little Remedies and Boogie Wipes.


Store-brought medicine:

I used medicine the first day (until I remembered I saved those home remedies!). I tried Mommy’s Bliss; day and night which I believe worked well. I didn’t use it every 4-6 hours as recommended since I switched to the onions, but other Mamas said it worked wonders for them. Make sure you consult with your doctor because I am not a doctor 🙂


As always, I recommend getting these items now, before you actually need them. You’ll want to make time for lots of nursing (as the body will create antibodies for baby based on their tongue/illness), skin-to-skin, and extra cuddles!


I hope your little one feels better using these recommendations! Take care and be well.


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