7 Things I did/realized before the breakup

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It’s a lot of things women can take from a man, but honey when a woman’s FED UP!!! Once she gets to this point and finally leave – there is no coming back.


There’s a long list of reasons why we stay in a relationship but there’s also a long list of reasons why we leave – 9/10 the list is filled with reasons why we should’ve BEEN left. To be honest, the reasons why I stayed were:


Chasing after the “potential”

I wasn’t tired just yet

He was all I knew

I was comfortable 

I didn’t want to start over

I didn’t want to feel like I “failed” at love

The whole image of High School sweethearts was a look for me

I made up in my mind that we would get married and have that “High School” love story 


And blah blah blah. Until I was tired of the cheating (starting in college – well, to my knowledge), the lies, and being in a relationship but still feeling alone. Until we moved in together and we became roommates (idk what happened to the relationship but chile it wasn’t there!). I got tired. I stopped staying in a relationship for the “look” of it and pretending to be happy. I threw the potential out of the window and accepted reality, what was in front of me. I left, but before I left:


1. I tried and I communicated

2. I blamed myself for a lot of things

3. I realized I shouldn’t be in a relationship and still feel lonely

4. I wrote down the pros and cons (which helped me decide should I leave or stay)

5. I realized I was asking for the bare minimum and still wasn’t getting it

6. I realized I was settling

7. I decided I deserved better


Then, I left. I even cut my hair at one point and you know what they say, a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life! Lol. But, if I’m being honest, it was still a process. I might’ve left mentally, but physically, I was still there. I had to get 8 YEARS out of m system. Walking away is never easy and it doesn’t happen over night. The number one thing that helped me leave, was completely removing myself.


If you TRULY want to be done:


1. Remove your body – your mind will follow 

2.Set firm boundaries with your ex 

3. Break the old habits – if you want new results, create new behaviors 

4.Get comfortable being uncomfortable – it won’t feel good but it will strengthen you

5. Don’t accept your ex as your friend right now – even if it was a “good” beak-up 

6. Constantly remind yourself of why you left